Sharing the joy of thinking in stories

Well hello there!

I’m Theodore Lowry. I’m a story worker, and host of this Story Paths newsletter. This is accompanied by a podcast, and regular workshops, free for paid subscribers.

This is a place for practicing storytelling, but not in the plot, setting, character, 3 act structure, hero’s journey kind of way.

Not to knock that, but story is far more poetic, organic, and alive than any formulas. Our life is woven of stories. We live in stories, and those stories determine our actions. Our collective stories determine the fate of humanity! (At least in part. There’s more to life than humans, after all.)

The thing is, stories are elemental. They’re integral to how we experience life, and, I reckon, to life itself.


Here in my little newsletter, you’ll find articles, workshops, and a vibrant podcast, full of invitations and prompts to practice our imagination muscles.

My own apprenticeship to stories has brought me through folktales, fantasy, myth, contemporary works, nature-connection facilitation and oral storytelling . It’s been a rich apprenticeship, and while I aim to remain a student for this whole life-long, I dare say I have a few things to share.

I offer one-on-one guidance, as well as workshops, and on-demand courses.

For more on that and to book a free exploratory session, you can visit my site.

Happy creating!
Theo Lowry

Here are some kind words shared by folks who’ve worked with me in this story world.

“Theodore has a playful way of engaging people to see things in different ways and encourages discovery and creative flow, allowing for structure and imagination to co-exist in beautiful ways.”

EvaMarie Padmanabhan

Birth & Death Doula

“This work loosened up my grip on how I should tell a story. It felt liberating.”

Jessie White

Spiritual Artist

“My brain was lit up with new pathways of thought.”

Annie Christina

Bespoke Seamstress

Theodore Lowry drenches life with the lively liquids of play. A scribe and a speaker, he gathers community and casts his voice across the airwaves. What brought him to story? First, the myths from his homeland in Turtle Island’s great northern grasslands. Later, a far eastern monastery steeped him in stories and ceremonies. Finally he is learning to swim in the lore of his own people, sprouted from the stones of a fabled frosty isle.

Theodore has studied with the School for Sacred Storytelling, the School of Mythopoetics, Tom Hirons, and others. He is deeply moved by the work of Bill Plotkin, John O’donohue, Martin Prechtel, and Srila Narayana Maharaja, to name a few.

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Subscribe to Story Paths — Learning to think in stories, with Theo Lowry

Writer & Story Worker Helping readers see life through the stained-glass of story, and to recast the glass. Articles, workshops, storytelling, and a rich-audio podcast


Theodore Lowry studied and practiced Indian and European mythology, as well as story telling and making with the School for Sacred Storytelling. He's an author, mixed media artist and story workshop facilitator, and lives in the Salish Sea.